Roaring Run Equestrian Center

Boarding Options
RREC is a great facility for you and your horse! With indoor and outdoor arenas as well as trails through 100 acres of forest and pasture, there are lots of opportunities for you to enjoy your horse.
We require proof of vaccinations to bring a horse into our facility and a Coggins test annually. We also require that all horses at our facility be vaccinated at the same time each spring and fall in coordination with a veterinarian. Worming is done as needed based on fecal parasite count. Please contact Madilyn or Kathy for an application and interview if you are interested in joining our equestrian family!

Full Board ($800/month)
12'x12' matted stalls
One item of horse clothing per season (blanketing changes during winter, fly gear during summer).
Individual track locker
Indoor wash stall w/ hot & cold water
Daily turnout in small herds, 4-6 horses

Field Board ($500/month)
We offer a limited number of field board openings.
The horse owner is expected to provide a sheet/blanket for use during severe weather.
Hay is fed to supplement grazing in summer if needed.
Grain is twice once a day.
Run-in is free access in pasture.
Hay and Feed
RREC is proud to feed Tribute grains. We offer a personalized feed plans that are meticulously managed by the barn manger. We offer two types of senior complete feeds and a ration balancer. We also provide loose salt in the grain year round and flax seed during the fall and winter months. Supplements are provided by the owner and fed daily.
RREC has a forage-based approach to their nutrition program. Hay is fed multiple times a day to all horses on the property. Stalled horses get fed hay in hay nets provided by the barn to help make sure that the horses have hay in front of them as long as possible.
RREC Facilities
Stalls cleaned daily; bedding provided
80'x160' indoor arena with jump ceilings
100'x200' outdoor arena and outdoor round pen
5 large turnout pastures with run-ins
Private turnout paddocks and field board available
Bathroom with shower
Hot and cold water in wash bay
Horses are turned out everyday for a minimum of 5 hours
Heated and airconditioned lounge
Stables heated to 42°F in winter